Monday, February 23, 2015

A Midsummer Night's Dream #1

Shimasaki, #1
The first act of this play is very interesting. We are introduced right away to probably one of the central struggles throughout the play, the love square of Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena. The tension between lovers seems to be a main issue that Shakespeare likes to write about as seen in another of his plays, Romeo and Juliet. This four-way love conflict shows an imbalance. There could be two couples yet Demetrius chose Hermia and scorned Helena. His opinion on the whole matter seems to be only that he wants Hermia as a prize, and does not want Lysander to have her out of his own competitive nature. He tells Lysander to “yield thy crazed title to my certain right” (Act I.II.95-96). He only views Hermia as another conquest and just a “title”, while Lysander, although his love may be extreme, actually does love Hermia. I don’t think this enough to constitute these two men as foils quite yet but they are defiantly contrasting characters. What do you think about the characters that have been introduced so far and what their dialogue says about their personalities?

The second part of Act I seemed very random to me. I understand why they were performing the play but the play that they chose and the actors seemed out-of-place in the story. They are amusing and Bottom is just a bossy man who wants to be in charge. All the actors seem to exaggerate every problem that presents itself which, I guess, adds to the comedy. Quincy’s idea that if he roars to loudly, and “would fright the Duchess and the Ladies, that they would shriek and that were enough to hang [them] all” is outrageous and an overstatement. The play itself alludes, again, to Shakespeare’s own play, Romeo and Juliet. The idea of two lovers that eventually end up dead because of a misunderstanding could be foreshadowing of what is to come? What do you think of this section and what do you think it adds to the overall idea of the play? 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

My attempt at a walk

I wanted to leave my walk for the last day of break so that I could think about all that had happened over the break but I didn't get home until about 5:30. By then, it was becoming dark so I quickly strapped on my walking shoes and was about to leave when my mother commented on my safety. Instead of walking to the park as planned, I walked down the hill and around the small planter at the bottom. It was pouring rain so I returned to my house but rather then ending my walk, I sat on the bench on my porch to think about the year and my Christmas break. It was also really cold and I think I'm getting sick.
Christmas lights bring me so much happiness and unearths many memories. This was the last Christmas of my childhood. I know next year will be very different and I don't know if I'm ready.
 My dad has weird ideas. This fountain was the most important garden item for a week over the summer. He obsessed over it for a while. I'm going to miss his weird quirks. He put a bag over it so it wouldn't freeze.
 How many times have I sat on this bench. It's my escape from my hectic life and the craziness just inside the house door. Being along can be calming but also lonely. It was quiet outside all those times I hid from my family but tonight I'm listening to the rain. It's always been comforting. If I move to San Diego, there won't be any rain.
How many more times will I drive out this drive-way before I leave for college. How many people have visited me? It is the beginning of an adventure but also the comforting welcome home. I think people underestimate the importance of driveways. They're awesome

To finalize, it was nice to have some quiet time. I don't mind the rain. I wish I didn't have to go back to school.